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Reoccurring Leaderboard

A new feature has been added to allow you to have a reoccurring leaderboard sent to a channel of your choice if you're a Playerlist Premium subscriber. This can be used to give rewards for active players, or just to see who's been on the most.

Notification Channels

A new configuration option has been added to allow you to change the channel that some notifications, like the Realm Offline and Player Watchlist messages, are sent to.

Player Watchlist

A new feature has been added to the Playerlist Bot, allowing you to get notifications (and a ping, if configured) right when specific players joins a Realm. This command can be used to track people in real time, or to just get a notification when a friend joins a Realm.

Playtime Leaderboard

Introducing /leaderboard! This command allows you to view a ranked list of players by playtime for your Realm. This command is available to all users, though it requires either voting or purchasing Premium to use.

Exporting Realm Data

A new command to export Realm session data (a session being a period of time where the player was on a Realm, including when they joined and were last seen) has been added for Playerlist Premium subscribers. While the graph commands given through the bot may be more than enough for most users, some may wish to be able to make their own graphs, or just to try to analyze the data themselves.

A New Method of Linking Realms (Beta)

A new way of linking the bot to your Realm has been added as a beta, removing the need to use a Realm code if you do not wish to. Instead of using a Realm code, /config alternate-link uses standard Microsoft linking to allow Realm owners to authenticate the bot into adding itself into a Realm. Depending on your usecase, this may be more convenient to you.