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Player Watchlist

A new feature has been added to the Playerlist Bot, allowing you to get notifications (and a ping, if configured) right when specific players joins a Realm. This command can be used to track people in real time, or to just get a notification when a friend joins a Realm.

Configuring the Watchlist

You can configure the watchlist through the /watchlist commands. Here is an example of the /watchlist list command, used for seeing your configuration for your watchlist:

Picture on how the configuration command for the player watchlist looks like.

To add or remove players, use the /watchlist add and /watchlist remove commands. Notifications about players joining will be sent in your autorunning playerlist channel (which must be turned on to use this command) - by default, the message will not have a ping with it, but you can add one with /watchlist ping-role.

Messages are sent as soon as the bot detects a player has joined, which may take up to a minute.