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Note about Self-Hosting

Self-hosting is not recommended for most users, being a complicated process that requires a decent bit of technical knowledge. Only do this if you have a personal interest in self-hosting, or if you want to contribute to the bot's development. For most people, the public instance of the bot is more than enough - see the Server Setup Guide for more information.

As the bot is open source, that means anyone has the means to self-host the bot. This is a fairly complicated process, as the warning above states, but it is possible.

Why Self-Host, Then?

There are a few reasons why you might want to self-host the bot:

  • You want to contribute to the bot's development.
  • You want to modify the bot for your own purposes.
  • You care about privacy and want to host the bot yourself.
  • can, of course, get Premium for free if you self-host the bot. I won't stop you, but considering donating to my Ko-Fi at least.

There are two methods of self-hosting the bot: using Docker, or using a manual installation. Docker is the recommended method, as it is easier to set up and maintain, but a manual installation is also possible.



General knowledge of how Git, Docker, and docker-compose works is highly recommended before attempting to self-host the bot through Docker.

While this list looks long, most of this is a process you only have to do once. After that, updating the bot is much easier.


  1. Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose.
  2. Create a Discord application through Discord's developer portal if you do not already have one. You will need its bot token later, so make a bot account too.
  3. Clone the bot repo - git clone
    • You will have to install Git if you do not already have it installed. You can also download the repo as a ZIP file through GitHub, though this will make updating the bot much harder.
  4. Create a copy of the existing config_example.toml file and rename it to config.toml.
  5. Go into the config.toml file and follow the instructions there in the file to fill in as many fields as you can. To note:
    • DOCKER_MODE should be set to true. You can leave the values of DB_URL and REDIS_URL as-is - they are only used if you are using a manual installation.
    • You may want to skip the steps about XBOX_CLIENT_ID and XBOX_CLIENT_SECRET for later if you don't have a Python installation on your PC (if you don't know, you probably don't have Python installed) or don't want to install a package on your host PC.
    • For the emojis:
      • "RAW EMOJI STRING" means the emoji's raw string, like <:emoji:123456789012345678>. You can get this by typing \ and then the emoji in Discord.
      • "EMOJI ID" means the emoji's ID, like 123456789012345678. You can get this by doing the same thing as above, but copying the numbers in the middle.
      • The only requirements for emojis is that they must be custom emojis and they must be usable by the bot; it is recommended you upload the emojis at the developer portal and use them from there.
  6. Initialize Docker. Run docker compose build to build the bot's Docker image.
  7. Make a .env file in the root directory with one thing in it: POSTGRES_PASSWORD="PASSWORD". This is used by Docker to set up the database. Of course, replace PASSWORD with a password of your choice.
  8. If you skipped setting up the Xbox Live authentication steps, this is the time to do so. You can use docker compose run bot CMD (replacing CMD with the a command) to run any commands seen in the guide linked in config.toml to set it up.
    • Remember to rename the generated file to tokens.json and set XBOX_CLIENT_ID and XBOX_CLIENT_SECRET in config.toml.
  9. Run docker compose up -d to start the bot. You can use docker compose logs -f to view the logs of the bot.
    • To sync slash commands, run @BOT_MENTION debug sync in Discord (replace BOT_MENTION with the bot's mention, like @Realms Playerlist Bot).


  1. Pull the latest changes from the repo - git pull.
  2. Run docker compose build to build the bot's Docker image.
  3. Run docker compose up -d to restart the bot.
    • To sync new slash commands, run @BOT_MENTION debug sync in Discord (replace BOT_MENTION with the bot's mention, like @Realms Playerlist Bot).


Migrations, by default, are run automatically when the bot starts up in Docker mode. If you don't want this to happen for whatever reason (you usually do!), you can set a debug flag in config.toml (add this to the end of your file):


Manual Installation


This is complicated and requires knowledge about Python, Postgres, and Redis. The Docker method is almost always preferred if you're self-hosting.


  1. Install the latest version of Python. The bot is almost always using the latest features of Python - you can verify the exact version the bot is using by checking the Dockerfile on the bot's repo and seeing the Python version used.
  2. Get your hands on:
    • A Postgres database. Free options include Supabase or CockroachDB, or you can host it yourself. Remember the database connection URL for later.
    • A Redis database. Free options include Redis Labs, or you can host it yourself. Remember the connection URL for later.
  3. Create a Discord application through Discord's developer portal if you do not already have one. You will need its bot token later, so make a bot account too.
  4. Clone the bot repo - git clone
    • You will have to install Git if you do not already have it installed. You can also download the repo as a ZIP file through GitHub, though this will make updating the bot much harder.
  5. Install the required Python packages. You can do this by running pip install -r requirements.txt in the bot's directory.
    • You should set up a virtual environment for the bot. A popular one is venv, done simply through python -m venv env. You can then activate it through source env/bin/activate on Linux or env\Scripts\activate.bat on Windows.
  6. Create a copy of the existing config_example.toml file and rename it to config.toml.
  7. Go into the config.toml file and follow the instructions there in the file to fill in as many fields as you can. To note:
    • DOCKER_MODE should be set to false. You MUST set DB_URL and REDIS_URL to the URLs you got earlier.
    • For the emojis:
      • "RAW EMOJI STRING" means the emoji's raw string, like <:emoji:123456789012345678>. You can get this by typing \ and then the emoji in Discord.
      • "EMOJI ID" means the emoji's ID, like 123456789012345678. You can get this by doing the same thing as above, but copying the numbers in the middle.
      • The only requirements for emojis is that they must be custom emojis and they must be usable by the bot; it is recommended you upload the emojis at the developer portal and use them from there.
  8. Run python -m prisma generate to generate the database models.
  9. Run python -m prisma migrate deploy to initialize the database. You'll need to set the DB_URL variable manually in your terminal for this command, likely via export.
    • Depending on your needs, you may want to replace deploy with dev to perform a destructive migration. For more information, check out the docs about Prisma Migrate.
  10. Run python to start the bot. You may want to use a process manager like pm2 to keep the bot running in the background.
    • To sync slash commands, run @BOT_MENTION debug sync in Discord (replace BOT_MENTION with the bot's mention, like @Realms Playerlist Bot).


  1. Pull the latest changes from the repo - git pull.
  2. Install the latest packages through pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. If the prisma package was updated, or schema.prisma was modified with new/removed fields, you should run python -m prisma generate to generate the database models.
  4. If any new entries were added to migrations/, run python -m prisma migrate deploy to update the database. You'll need to set the DB_URL variable manually in your terminal for this command, likely via export.
    • Depending on your needs, you may want to replace deploy with dev to perform a destructive migration. For more information, check out the docs about Prisma Migrate.
  5. Run python to restart the bot. You may want to use a process manager like pm2 to keep the bot running in the background.
    • To sync new slash commands, run @BOT_MENTION debug sync in Discord (replace BOT_MENTION with the bot's mention, like @Realms Playerlist Bot).


  • When first running the bot, you'll need to sync the slash commands to start using the bot. You can do this by running @BOT_MENTION debug sync in Discord (replace BOT_MENTION with the bot's mention, like @Realms Playerlist Bot).
    • If you wish to use the developer slash commands, you'll also need to sync to your dev server through @BOT_MENTION debug sync DEV_SERVER_ID (DEV_SERVER_ID with the ID of the server you want to sync to).
  • There are a lot of developer commands. You can check them out by looking through the file.
  • While self-hosting the bot, you are subject under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License license. You can read more about the license on this page or on the GNU website.
  • While you can join my support server for help, I cannot guarantee I will be able to help you with self-hosting the bot due to how different each setup can be. I will also not help you with setting up Docker, Postgres, Redis, or any other software you need to self-host the bot. I will only help with the bot itself.